If you think you are paying too much for certain products, you could try to get a discount next time you are at the store. By simply asking for a product at, what you think is a reasonable cost, could win you that price for your purchase. DailyFinance shares ways to approach getting a discount on products you are buying. Using websites such as GiftCardRescue.com
can get you a discount anytime you are shopping. With discounted gift cards for up to 35% OFF actual value, saving money is guaranteed.
Be friendly, polite and nice. When you ask for a discount at the register, you’re asking the cashier to do you a favor. You don’t know if a discount is available and you need his help. Being friendly, polite and nice to the cashier can go a long way. Smile, say hello and ask her about her day as she rings up your purchases. When it comes time to pay, that’s when you ask if there are discounts for which you qualify.
Accept you’ll fail most of the time. Some stores simply don’t offer discounts of any kind. They don’t run promotions, they don’t have coupons and there’s no way for a cashier to ring up a discount. Other stores run promotions all the time. If you’ve heard of Bed Bath & Beyond (BBY),