Saving money is a good habit to adapt for anyone regardless of their financial state. Many of the nations wealthiest people became financially secure by saving more and spending less. If you are smart saving then you wont even notice where you are getting the extra cash.
Pay Your Bills Online
Using online services saves you money in postage and paying for checks. Not only will you be saving money but you will save time and trees!
Shop with Cash Only
Studies show that shoppers spend at least 30% more money if they are shopping with a credit card. When you shop with cash you are less likely to impulse shop and more considerate on how you are spending your hard earned money.
Plan a budget and track your spending
Seeing where you are spending your money will help you to realize what is unnecessary spending, then you can make changes accordingly.
Shop with a list
Shopping with a list will help to eliminate being persuaded by product marketing to purchase more expensive products. Go to the store with a purpose, browsing will lead to spending more money on products that you don’t need.
Pay more each month
Set aside a little extra cash each month to put towards significant debt. Paying an extra $50 a month on your car or house loan will save you thousands of dollars.
Go to the library
Skip spending money on movie tickets and check out what your local library has to offer in the movie section. Renting books and magazines is also much more efficient than paying for monthly subscriptions.
Buy discounted gift cards
If you plan your shopping outings going to websites such as and purchasing a discounted gift card for your favorite stores could save you a lot of money!
Avoid bank fees
Make sure you use your own banks ATM, or just take out a certain amount of cash at the beginning of the week.
Photo Credit: Weheartit