If you want to have more money you either have to spend less or make more. There are millions of ways to make a little cash here and there that will make fast money each month to cover those bills.
1. Sell your unwanted gift cards online.
That five year old Barnes and Noble gift card, that has been sitting in your wallet, can finally be used for something other than breaking into your house when you lock the keys inside. Websites allow you to sell your unwanted gift cards on the spot.
2. Start a blog and join an affiliate program.
Find something you love to do and then write about it. Join your favorite brands affiliate programs to earn commission on products that you sell from your blog.
3. Sell old stuff on eBay
Even if you think it is junk, chances are someone out there will buy it. Put things up in bulk to get rid of it faster.
4. Sign up for medical tests
Many universities and drug companies are looking for people to test products. You can make anywhere from $100 to thousands. Google medical test volunteers for more opportunities.
The National Institutes of Health has 300 studies that need volunteers. The Rochester Clinical Research is looking for healthy volunteers to test vaccines.
Watch the video for four more ways to make fast money.